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Las ocho partes del discurso The Eight Parts of Speech

Foto del escritor: ForestalStudy ORGForestalStudy ORG

Actualizado: 26 ene 2022

Este artículo se encuentra en ingles.

This article includes a game at the end of the reading.


Every single word we use belongs to one of eight word groups or parts of speech.

Wow! Did you hear that? Just think about that fact for a minute. We use thousands of words, and they can all be separated into just eight groups!

You'll learn about all eight word groups below, and you'll transform yourself into a grammar guru. Everything else that has to do with grammar builds on this information, so soak it all in!


The 8 Parts of Speach

1. What is a Noun

Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas. There are many different types of nouns.

Here are a few: proper nouns, common nouns, collective nouns, possessive nouns, and compound nouns.


A peacock walked through our yard.

The dog howled.

2. What is a pronoun?

3. What is a verb?

4. What is an adjective?

5. What is an adverb?

6. What is a preposition?

7. What is a conjunction?

8. What is an interjection?


Wait! One More Super Cool Thing

Do you want to hear a little secret that most people don't know? If you understand this, you'll be way ahead of the game, so stick with me!

Most words can function as multiple parts of speech. They only ever do one job per sentence, but they can do different things in different sentences.

My love of grammar inspired me to make this website. (love = noun)
I love you! (love = verb)

Whew! Now I can relax knowing that you've learned this important information about the parts of speech.


It's time for a game!

(Powered by
Word Invasion is a language arts game that provides practice in parts of speech. Jellyfish with words drift toward the octopus at the bottom of the screen.
Content: Parts of speech
Standards: L.2.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
Grades: Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Players: 1
(Info by

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